Advanced Training - Embodied Eldership

At the centre of every thriving village are the Arts.

Embodied Eldership is a doorway into the heart of Eclectica’s ethos through the participation in a thriving ecosystem. This body of work transcends individualism and explores the realms of service, leadership, sovereignty, artistic activism, visionary dance and ritual.

Embodied Eldership is our most advanced training and is open only to those who have completed extensive rites of passage training / women’s work / mens work - AND those who are at an intermediate to advanced level of dance.

It is our only co-ed container.

For the second year in a row - Eclectica Hub is calling on the brotherhood to join us in our Embodied Eldership Container - an invitation into multi-dimensional eldership and becoming the luminary for your community. This potent 16-week journey is a transformative deep dive into somatic arts, embodied leadership, re-villaging, rites of passage initiations, and visionary dance - open only to participants who are intermediate to advanced in choreography, and have completed extensive rites or passage training / mens work / women’s work.

Calling on the Brothers

Become the Luminary for Your Village

Discover and unlock new-found depths of healing and self-intimacy as we dive deep into the transformative realms of:

  • Embodied Leadership

  • Animal Medicine

  • Ancestral Family Tree Work and Activating Eldership

  • Deepening Bonds with the Sisterhood & the Brotherhood

  • Somatic Arts

  • Contact Movement and Cultivating Trust with Other Bodies

  • Being Held in the Safe Custodianship of the Village

  • Exploring Wounds with the Masculine / Feminine

  • Healing Fractures from Past Relationships

  • Emotional Excavation and Movement Therapy

  • Being Held in your Fire by the Opposite Sex

  • Visionary Dance and Intentional Choreography

  • Integrating your Inner Child, Teenager, and Elder.

  • Ritual Theatre and Performance Art

  • Unlocking your Full-Bodied Expression

At the core of this body of work is a returning home to the village through returning home to ourselves. It’s more than just embodied leadership, it’s the pathway to eldership. Being able to zoom out of your life’s experiences like the eagle, and gain perspective on where in your life you’re not yet free. Allowing yourself and your body to be held in the safe custodianship of community. Allowing your emotions the space to be expressed, held, and revered in rites of passage and in ritual surrounded by both female and male bodies. This is the pathway back home to the village.

We thrive on being part of the whole.

For those that are ready to…

Find safety within the village • Connect with Animals as Spirit Guides • Deepen Somatically • Explore wounds associated with the opposite sex • Access the Shamanic Realms • Liberate their fullest expression • Understand their emotional landscape on a somatic level • Activate the elder inside of them • Step into embodied leadership • Discover who they are beyond social conditioning • Reconnect with their body as a vessel of communication • Descend into their instinct • Reclaim parts of themselves that have been buried through suppression or dogmatic belief systems • Re-Village • Integrate their inner child, teenager, and elder • Explore Performance Art & Contact Movement Therapy •

The School term will finish with a mid-year concert where new and existing students will perform live dance transmissions that reflect the deep and transformative course content.

This will be an opportunity for you to be received in your most full-bodied expression and uninhibited aliveness by an electric crowd of supportive individuals who are there to support your expansion and fan your flame.

Students within the advanced trainings will be featured in the main show dancing alongsde the Eclectica core.


Enrolment open Now

Thursday Night Class

Facilitated by
Joshua Payne, Nicole Willoughby, and Lahni Gordan.

Please make a note that week 5 and week 11 are semester break weeks. Also please take note that students will be required to attend an additional session in week 11 for the stage rehearsal. The concert is in Week 15 and will be held over three nights. The stage rehearsal and concert nights are compulsory for all students.

Classes run from 6pm - 10pm

Week 1 - Wednesday 12th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 2 - Wednesday 19th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 3 - Wednesday 26th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 4 - Wednesday 5th of March Second Story Studios
Week 5 - Wednesday 12th of March BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 6 - Wednesday 19th of March Second Story Studios
Week 7 - Wednesday 26th of March Second Story Studios
Week 8 - Wednesday 2nd of April Second Story Studios
Week 9 - Wednesday 9th of April Second Story Studios
Week 10 - Wednesday 16th of April Second Story Studios
Week 11 - Wednesday 23rd EASTER BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 12 - Wednesday 30th of April Second Story Studios
Week 13 - Wednesday 7th of May Second Story Studios
Week 14 - WEDNESDAY 14th of May Second Story Studios

Week 15 - CONCERT WEEK 20TH, 21ST, 22ND MAY

Week 16 - Wednesday 28th of May Second Story Studios

Soul Investment:

Pay in Full: $2,222

Payment Plan: $2,333 in 6 x fortnightly instalments of $388.83

Super extended payment plan: NO LONGER AVAILABLE EXPIRED JULY 1STAll prices are inclusive of GST


222A Johnston St, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia


Book and Secure your Space now.

Please note that this container will be limited to women who have completed at least 2 trainings with Eclectica Hub and a maximum of 10 x brothers by application only. The soul investment is available on both Pay-In-Full options and a Payment Plan.

  • Pay in Full: $2,222

    Payment Plan: $2,333 in 6 x fortnightly instalments of $388.83