Enrolment for The Way of The WombKeeper is open now

Explore the innate intelligence of your female biology.

This body of work is for those who want to harness the wisdom and intelligence of their female anatomy and explore the ancient mysteries of their womb space. It invites participants to deepen their connection to their unique radiance through the gateways of the pussy, cervix, throat and womb.

This container is a comprehensive education-based training into Feminine Wisdom traditions, providing a nurturing and holistic modern mystery school environment for spiritual initiation, personal healing, and metamorphic experiences.

The Way Of The WombKeeper

Advanced training - Sacred teachings around female anatomy and the waters of the womb.
(Previously known as level two)

In this deeply transformative container, we explore the different aspects of womb-hood and feminine mysteries. We focus on understanding and utilizing the power of the voice and its connection to our female anatomy. We dive deep into our relationship with sexuality, pleasure, personal agency, and the innate wisdom that is coded within the waters of our womb. This program offers education in Feminine Wisdom traditions, creating a supportive and holistic environment for spiritual growth, healing, and transformative experiences.

This body of work is a pathway of female reclamation, an opportunity to undomesticate and re-ignite the aspects of your femininity that have been stigmatised and neglected within our greater social construct. It is a passage of remembrance that honours the body as a holy sanctuary and conduit for wisdom. It is an invitation to be supported and held as you meet yourself in the fundamental aspect of your femininity through the exploration of your anatomy, the activation of your voice, and the practice of becoming a conduit for generational healing. The content calls you into a deeper sense of embodied sovereignty, boundaries, and reclaiming full agency over your body.

It is a celebration of The Mother season of life, ripening your body and soul as a vessel for vibrant creation, fertility and service.

Participants of this course will be guided through deep rites of passage initiations over 16 transformational weeks, that will further anchor them into the depth and power of their authentic expression. Throughout each week participants will also be learning intention-based movement and choreography that will be performed at our end-of-semester concert. Their dance pieces will be integrated into the main storyline of the show which will be performed alongside the core troupe, and the other advanced student groups. Experience within choreography or formal dance training is a prerequisite for new students signing up for this container.

Our mission is to support women and womb-bearers in returning home to their inner authority and the aliveness of their spirits. This is the ethos of Eclectica. It is a sacred container to support you in returning to your truest nature, reclaiming your inner gifts, and igniting the fire in your soul - lighting the way on your path of purpose and meaning.

For those that are ready to…

Liberate their fullest expression • Deepen into Somatic Awareness • Explore their sexuality in a Safe Container• Build a relationship with their Pussy • Reconnect with anatomy • Reclaim agency over their bodies • Reclaim parts of themselves that have been buried through suppression or dogmatic belief systems • Find safety within sisterhood • Connect with the waters of their womb • Understand the physiology & Mysteries of their female anatomy • Move their body in a way that feels connected to their emotional landscape  • Make connections that will last a lifetime • Learn Intentional Choreography & Movement • Experience Transcendental Performance Art • Explore their Eros as Lifeforce • Experience Dance as a Healing Modality & Prayer •

Here’s what people are saying about “The Way of the WombKeeper”

  • "If you are thinking about this container - this course is truly profound. Without revealing all the beautiful mysteries Eclectica women have in store - it was a gift to traverse the mountains and valleys of our wombs, the cycles within and throughout nature and our lives from birth to death all in safety with sisters. I enjoyed the online container as there was lots of room for discussion and exploration and decompression afterwards at home with a cup of tea after intense and inspiring discussions and explorations. I didn’t know what to expect but it filled my cup so much - laughter, tears, movement, love for and pride in the power of the womb-keepers."

    Molly - Previous student

  • "This course - wow - powerful. I feel like I was given the torch to light the way for my journey back home. You have the answers inside you and through this safe and insightful container, you learn skills that allow you to step into your power and connect with the fierce woman you deserve to be - can’t wait for my next connection with these beautiful teachers"

    Jacalyn - previous student

  • "I had the honour of joining the last way of the WombKeeper container, and to say it was transformational is an understatement: this container offered me a supported process to completely embody my sacred feminine ~ movement medicine and ritual, intimate guided journeys, an initiation into the realm of birth and death, I learnt so much about my highest self, my body, my womb, my pussy, my blood, my sacred sisterhood, to be seen and held in such a present and profoundly expanding way has been the catalyst for me embodying my highest self and remaining in truth leaning into my intuition each day. I experienced pleasure, joy, bliss in the void, despair, triggers and everything in between."

    Chealsea - previous student

Content explored in this Body of Work:

  • Discovery the power of your female anatomy

  • Yoni Mapping & Yoni Steaming

  • Building a relationship to your cervix and Cervical De-armouring

  • Exploring the Connection between Voice and Cervix

  • Vocal activation

  • Feminine mysteries and connecting to the intelligent waters of your womb.

  • Relationship to sex, pleasure and personal agency.

  • Activating the Primal Body & Animal Instinct

  • Exploring Death and Grief as a Rites of Passage

  • Erotic Rewilding

  • Healing the Mother Wound

  • Transcending the Self

  • Level up in Choreography, Embodiment & Performance Art

Be Held in the Safe Custodianship of Activated Sisterhood

The School term will finish with a mid-year concert where new and existing students will perform live dance transmissions that reflect the deep and transformative course content.

This will be an opportunity for you to be received in your most full-bodied expression and uninhibited aliveness by an electric crowd of supportive individuals who are there to support your expansion and fan your flame.

Students within the advanced trainings will be featured in the main show dancing alongsde the Eclectica core.


Deepen with your Anatomy.

Reclaim Agency.

Location & Dates

The Way of The WombKeeper will be held at Second Story Studios and every WEDNESDAY NIGHT, commencing the 12th of Feb. Classed run from 6pm - 10pm at Second Story Studios
222 Johnson Street, Collingwood VIC

Classes run from 6pm - 10pm

Please make a note that week 5 and week 11 are semester break weeks. Also please take note that students will be required to attend an additional session in week 11 for the stage rehearsal. The concert is in Week 15 and will be held over three nights. The stage rehearsal and concert nights are compulsory for all students.

Week 1 - Wednesday 12th Feb Second Story
Week 2 - Wednesday 19th Feb Second Story
Week 3 - Wednesday 20th Feb Second Story
Week 4 - Wednesday 5th of March Second Story
Week 5 - Wednesday 12h of March BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 6 - Wednesday 19th of March Second Story
Week 7 - Wednesday 20th of March Second Story
Week 8 - Wednesday 2nd of April Second Story
Week 9 - Wednesday 9th of April Second Story
Week 10 - Wednesday 10th of April Second Story
Week 11 - Wednesday 23rd EASTER BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 12 - Wednesday 30th of April Second Story
Week 13 - Wednesday 7th of May Second Story
Week 14 - Wednesday 14th of May Second Story Studios STAGE REHEARSAL THURSDAY 15TH OF MAY (All students)
11AM - 10PM

Week 15 - CONCERT WEEK 20TH, 21ST, 22ND MAY
Week 16 - Wednesday 28th of May Second Story

Held at Second Story Studios,

222A Johnston Street, COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 Australia


Soul Investment:

Pay in Full: $2,222

Payment Plan: $2,333 in 10 x fortnighly instalments of $222.20

Super extended payment plan -: NO LONGER AVAILABLE EXPIRED AUGUST 1ST

  • All prices are inclusive of GST


Meet Your Facilitators

  • Shelly Oak - Eclectica Facilitator

    Shelley Oak is a somatic ceremonialist, a facilitator of sacred women’s spaces, and a long term devotee to the divine tapestry of Eclectica. She is a witch of many sorts, a yoni steaming specialist, somatic sex coach, and a birth doula. Shelley supports people to connect to their bodies’ wisdom, their gifts and to live in their fullest expression and purpose. With a fiery passion in emotional and spiritual wellness, nervous system regulation, ritualistic practices and cultivating intimacy as a mode of healing… Shelley’s mission is to be in service to a heart-lead, embodied community of raw and regulated souls. Shelley’s flavour is all about play, presence, and pleasure and believes that is the key to integration and long lasting transformation.

    Shelley has been dancing with Eclectica as a student since it’s very first semester and has been facilitating at the Eclectica Hub school for the last 2 years. Shelly is passionate about cultivating safety in the body, connecting to our innate wisdom, building village/community, and exploring emotions with somatic awareness, and she cannot wait to share her wisdom and heart with new students.

  • Claire Diaz - Eclectica Facilitator and Core Dancer

    Claire is a sexologist and sex & relationship coach, yoga teacher, and is also a dancer in the Eclectica core. Beginning as a student in the first semester of Eclectica Hub, she then joined the core troupe and has now performed in 4 stage shows, as well as festival performances including overseas gigs. She has been a facilitator of pleasure workshops and events, as well as been a space holder at yoga schools in Bali and retreats in Melbourne. She has a particular passion for empowering people within sex and sexuality, and deeply believes in the healing power of radical authenticity. She combines her experience in multiple modalities to do so; drawing on sex education, somatic embodiment, yoga philosophies and movement.

    Claire is approachable, playful, and attuned - and can easily be referred to as “the big sister”. She is kind, gentle, soulful, and always present- but is also known for her cheerful, sassy, sexy energy in a space! She is incredibly honoured to be a part of the facilitator team, as she has personally gained so many insights into self, sisterhood & community, and is ready to give back and add her flavours to this movement.

Important announcement to our past present and future students:

Our enrolment system has changed:
Due to the high demand for this work, we are changing the way we approach student enrollment and are integrating more diverse bodies of work into the Eclectica tapestry.

Previously participation in level one was required before enrolling for our advanced levels and students were required to move through each level linearly. We have now opened the advanced levels to both new and returning students (conditions and terms apply)

Previous students who have completed level one and desire to continue their journey can now select from any of the following bodies of work:
“The Way of the WombKeeper” - Formally known as level two
“The Liminal” - Formally known as level three
”Embodied Eldership” Formally known as level four

New students

It is recommended that all new students commence through our foundational training “Passage of self” (Formally known as level 1) This training is a powerful initiation into the Eclectica culture, ethos and philosophy. However, those who are drawn to the advanced training and are integrated within Rites of passage work, somatics, embodiment and choreography are welcome to enroll in the advanced levels. Please note: being well-versed in choreography is an important prerequisite for new students enrolling in advanced training.

Please take your time to feel into each body of work and attune to what feels more resonant and aligned with your current season of self-development.


This course is strictly non-refundable.

In the event of extreme crisis of illness participants may apply to transfer their course fees to a future course or training with Eclectica (either online or in person) OR privately sell their space to a friend. Note that is is your responsibility to find this friend, not Eclectica’s.

When securing your space, you agree to these terms and conditions and understand the following:

  • In the event of extreme crisis of illness participants MUST prove this by showing a Doctor’s Certificate or something of similar validity.

  • Transfered fees must be used within an 18month period.

  • Eclectica must be notified of any name changes at least 48 hours before intensive commencement.

  • Application to transfer fees due to crisis or extreme illness but be requested a minimum of two weeks before course commencement.