Enrolment for next semester commencing Feb 2025 is open now

Join the brotherhood…


Rites of Passage Training and Sacred Mens Work
(Previously known as our Level One Initiation)

This is Eclectica's primary foundational training for Men and male-bodied people.

It is recommended and encouraged that all new male participants begin their journey here.

At Eclectica, we have dedicated ourselves to holding and facilitating transformative journeys for women, helping them recover, embrace, and celebrate their fullest expression. Now, we are honoured to extend our transformative container to men. We are calling in the brothers who feel ready to acknowledge their inner feminine - the part of themselves that holds up the mirror and reflects the man they can be, not just for themselves, but for everyone, especially for women.

Participants of this course will be guided through various rites of passage initiations over 16 transformational weeks, that will refine and cultivate a stronger sense of self while harnessing the power of authentic expression through the mediums of visionary dance, ritual rites of passage work and the cultivation of safe brotherhood.

Each module we explore will be integrated through intention-based movement and choreography, performed at our end-of-semester concert. The journey is a deeply transformational experience that provides pathways of self-actualization and liberation from patterns and belief systems that are not serving to one’s highest capacity to thrive.

Our philosophy explores the realms of healing and evolution, through various initiations that support, empower and ignite healthy masculine expression and the actualisation of self beyond domestication and social conditioning.

Eclectica serves as a gateway to freedom, remembrance, and personal power for men. "The Passage of Self" is a sacred container that fosters personal development by reconnecting men with traditional primordial concepts often overlooked in modern society. It's a space where they can return to the roots of masculine solidarity and sacred brotherhood.

This course is open to ALL LEVELS OF DANCE from absolute beginner to those who have had formal training. No prior experience is necessary to participate in this course. .

Be Held in the Safe Custodianship of Activated Brotherhood

Enrolment is open now.

Passage of Self is a foundational training that attends to fundamental passages within the timeline of our lives while exploring integrative practices that cultivate a stronger sense of resilience, authenticity, and embodied sovereignty. This body of work is designed to meet you where you are at, accommodating participants at various stages of their self-development journey. This body of work also caters to all levels of dance from absolute beginner to advanced.

The modules we will explore together include:

  • Exploring the Shame and Pressure Men often feel to prove themselves.

  • Reclaiming Manhood and Cultivating Healthy Masculinity Within through Integrating their Vulnerability

  • Somatic Exploration and Awareness

  • Emotional Expression and Authentic Movement

  • The Healing Power of Choreography

  • Integrating and Reclaiming Formative Rites of Passage

  • Cultivating Masculine Solidarity and Activated Brotherhood

  • Body Reconciliation

  • Integrative Parts Work

  • Sexuality and Male Anatomy

  • Reclaiming Eroticism through Integrating the Predator

  • Harnessing Inner Authority & Healthy Masculinity

  • Ancestral Connections & Building a Relationship with Plants

  • Ritual Theatre & Pleasure Through Performance

  • Healing Wounds around Brotherhood

  • Connecting with Rose as an Ally

For those that are ready to…

Liberate their fullest expression • Discover who they are beyond social conditioning • Feel Held in their Vulnerability • Reconnect with their body as a vessel of communication • Descend into their instinct • Reclaim parts of themselves that have been buried through suppression or dogmatic belief systems • Find safety within brotherhood • Activate Healthy Masculinity • Connect with their Anatomy • Move their body in a way that feels connected to their emotional landscape  • Make connections that will last a lifetime •

The School term will finish with a mid-year concert where new and existing students will perform live dance transmissions that reflect the deep and transformative course content.

This will be an opportunity for you to be received in your most full-bodied expression and uninhibited aliveness by an electric crowd of supportive individuals who are there to support your expansion and fan your flame.


At Eclectica, we believe that the lives of women will not fully change until the lives of men do. Inspired by the wisdom of Esther Perel, we recognise that men are at the beginning of redefining their identities. Under the constraints of this tainted patriarchy, men often find themselves torn between power and connection, striving to prove their masculinity. This fragile identity, constantly in need of validation, hinders true empowerment and connection.

Enrolment open now

Monday Night Class

Facilitated by
Joshua Payne, Demi Lee, and Heidi Knight

Please make a note that week 5 and week 11 are semester break weeks. Also please take note that students will be required to attend an additional session in week 11 for the stage rehearsal. The concert is in Week 15 and will be held over three nights. The stage rehearsal and concert nights are compulsory for all students.

Week 1 - Monday 10th Feb at Second Story Studios
Week 2 - Monday 17th Feb at Second Story Studios
Week 3 - Monday 24th Feb at Second Story Studios
Week 4 - Monday 3rd of March at Second Story Studios
Week 5 - Monday 10th of March BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 6 - Monday 17th of March at Second Story Studios
Week 7 - Monday 24th of March at Second Story Studios
Week 8 - Monday 31st of March at Second Story Studios
Week 9 - Monday 7th of April at Second Story Studios
Week 10 - Monday 14th of April at Second Story Studios
Week 11 - Monday 21ST EASTER BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 12 - Monday 28th of April at Second Story Studios
Week 13 - Monday 5th of May at Second Story Studios
Week 14 - Monday 12th of May at Second Story Studios + STAGE REHEARSAL THURSDAY 15TH OF MAY (All students) 2PM - 10PM
Week 15 - CONCERT WEEK 20TH, 21ST, 22ND MAY
Week 16 - Monday 26th of May at Second Story Studios

Location & Dates

This course runs in Melbourne over 16 consecutive weeks including a one-week break for labour day week and a one-week break for easter. Scroll down to see a more detailed description of semester dates.

Our next semester is commencing 10th of February 2025. You can secure your space by activating a payment plan or paying your tuition in full.

Second Story Studios
222 Johnson Street, Collingwood VIC

Soul Investment:

Pay in Full: $2,222

Payment Plan: $2,333 in 6 x fortnightly instalments of $388.83

  • All prices are inclusive of GST


This course is strictly non-refundable.

In the event of extreme crisis of illness participants may apply to transfer their course fees to a future course or training with Eclectica (either online or in person) OR privately sell their space to a friend. Note that is is your responsibility to find this friend, not Eclectica’s.

When securing your space, you agree to these terms and conditions and understand the following:

  • In the event of extreme crisis of illness participants MUST prove this by showing a Doctor’s Certificate or something of similar validity.

  • Transfered fees must be used within an 18month period.

  • Eclectica must be notified of any name changes at least 48 hours before intensive commencement.

  • Application to transfer fees due to crisis or extreme illness but be requested a minimum of two weeks before course commencement.