At the centre of every thriving community are the arts:

Join our diverse lineage of creative and devoted individuals and become a pioneer of a legacy that seeks re-village the heart of humanity. Our school works intimatley with the mediums of visionary dance, ritual and embodied expression to support in the integration of life and the cultivation of self.

We are changing the way we structure our school….

Due to the high demand for this work, we are changing the way we approach student enrolment and are integrating more diverse bodies of work into the Eclectica tapestry.

Previously participation in ‘Level One’ was required before enrolling for our advanced levels - and students were required to move through each level linearly. We have now opened the advanced levels to both new and returning students (conditions and terms apply).

New students - it is recommended to start in ‘Passage of Self’ (previously known as Level One) as this is our foundational training that really tends to the cracks in our personal foundation and allows us to explore and heal our relationship with self - first and foremost. This training is a powerful initiation into the Eclectica culture, ethos and philosophy.

However, those who are drawn to some of the other trainings available, and are integrated within Rites of passage work, somatics, embodiment and choreography are welcome to enrol in the bodies of work. Please note: being well-versed in choreography is an important prerequisite for new students enrolling in advanced training.

Previous Students who have completed Level One and desire to continue their journey can now select from any of the following bodies of work:

  • “The Way of the WombKeeper” - Formally known as Level Two

  • “The Liminal” - Formally known as Level Three

  • ”Embodied Eldership” Formally known as Level Four

Please take your time to feel into each body of work and attune to what feels more resonant and aligned with your current season of self-development.

We see the semester as a spiral. At the core of this spiral is the relationship we have with our self. It then moves in to the space of our anatomy and sexuality. From there it spirals out to the quantum field around us, to then ripple outwards to our community, and then finally, into service. For this reason - we recommend moving through the school in the following order:

Thus the recommended order to move through the modules of work is:

Passage Of Self >> Way Of The WombKeeper >> The Liminal >> Embodied Eldership >> Facilitator Training

Note that this is just a recommendation, and if you would prefer to move through the bodies of work in a more fluid, intuitive way - there is freedom to. However, the power of moving through in this order means that we gently open you up and prepare you for the body of work to come.

Be Held in the Safe Custodianship of the Activated Village

Join the Global Movement that is Eclectica


    This is Eclectica's primary foundational training for women and female-bodied people. It is recommended and encouraged that all new students begin their journey here. Participants of this course will be guided through various rites of passage initiations over 16 transformational weeks, that will refine and cultivate a stronger sense of self while harnessing the power of authentic expression through the mediums of visionary dance, ritual and sisterhood.

    The Passage of Self philosophy explores the realms of healing and evolution through various initiations that tend to the cracks in our personal foundation and essentially support, nurture, and hold women and womb-bodied people on their journey of feminine maturation.


    • Somatic Exploration and Awareness

    • Emotional Expression and Authentic Movement

    • The Healing Power of Choreography

    • Integrating formative Rites of Passage

    • Healing the Sisterhood Wounds

    • Body Reconciliation

    • Reclaiming Menstruation & Blood Rights

    • Erotic Resurrection

    • Inner Authority & Boundaries

    • Ancestral Connections & Building a Relationship with Plants

    • Ritual Theatre & Pleasure Through Performance

    • Costume Artistry

    • Plants as Allies - Working with Rose

    This body of work is designed to meet you where you are at, accommodating participants at various stages of their self-development journey. This body of work also caters to all levels of dance from absolute beginner to advanced.


    This is Eclectica's primary foundational training for Men and male-bodied people. It is recommended that all new students begin their journey here. Participants of this course will be guided through various rites of passage initiations, that will refine and cultivate a stronger sense of self through the mediums of visionary dance, ritual rites of passage work and the cultivation of brotherhood. An opportunity to deepen and integrate your masculinity, wounding, and imprints.

    Our philosophy explores healing and evolution, through various initiations that support, empower and ignite healthy masculine expression, beyond social conditioning. This container is a space of of returning to the roots of masculine solidarity and sacred brotherhood.


    • Somatic Exploration and Awareness

    • Emotional Expression and Embodiment

    • The Healing Power of Choreography

    • Integrating Formative Rites of Passage

    • Healing Wounds around the Masculine & Brotherhood

    • Body Reconciliation

    • Understanding your Eroticism through Integrating the Predator Archetype

    • Deepening with your Anatomy & Sexuality

    • Integrative Parts Work

    • Ancestral Activation

    • Reclaiming Healthy Masculinity and Being Held in Vulnerability

    • Ritual Theatre & Pleasure Through Performance

    This body of work is designed to meet you where you are at, accommodating participants at various stages of their self-development journey. This body of work also caters to all levels of dance from absolute beginner to advanced.

  • THE WAY OF THE WOMB-KEEPER (Previously Known As Level Two)

    This body of work is for those who want to harness the wisdom and intelligence of their female anatomy and explore the ancient mysteries of their womb space. In this deeply transformative container we focus on understanding and utilising the power of the voice and its connection to our female anatomy. We dive deep into our relationship with sexuality, pleasure, personal agency, and the innate wisdom that is coded within the waters of our womb.

    This container is a comprehensive education-based training into Feminine Wisdom traditions, providing a nurturing and holistic modern mystery school environment for spiritual initiation, personal healing, and metamorphic experiences.


    • Discovery the power of your female anatomy

    • Yoni Mapping & Yoni Steaming

    • Building a relationship to your cervix and Cervical De-armouring

    • Exploring the Connection between Voice and Cervix

    • Vocal activation

    • Feminine mysteries and connecting to the intelligent waters of your womb.

    • Relationship to sex, pleasure and personal agency.

    • Exploring Death and Grief as a Rites of Passage

    • Erotic Rewilding

    • Healing the Mother Wound

    • Transcending the Self

    • Level up in Choreography, Embodiment & Performance Art

    Throughout each week participants will be learning intention-based movement and choreography that will be performed within the main storyline of the show. Experience within choreography or formal dance training is a prerequisite for new students signing up for this container.


    This potent body of work focuses on strengthening your connection to the subtle realms of existence and refining your psychic abilities to better attune to the world of energy.

    This container is a comprehensive education-based training that dives deeper into the shamanic realms, providing a nurturing and holistic modern mystery school environment for spiritual initiation, personal healing, and metamorphic experiences.

    “The Liminal” is for those who wish to fully activate the heart of their inner medicine woman through harnessing their psychic gifts and cultivating a reverent relationship to life and all living things.

    This body of work connects participants to the unseen realms of existence through spirit work, psychic development and personal cultivation. This advanced training is open to those who have completed previous training with Eclectica or those who have studied rites of passage, somatics, and female anatomy in other schools of thought and are also competent an experienced within learning choreography.


    • Shamanic Deepening and Spirit Work

    • Deepening in relationship to the quantum field and energetic world

    • Psychic development and attuning to the subtle realms

    • Embodiment beyond personal identification

    • Archetypal initiation -  Activating the inner Visionary

    • Archetypal initiation - Activating the inner Medicine Woman

    • Psychic Development & Psychic Resiliency

    • Healing the Paternal lineage and Exploring the Father Wound

    • Shadow work with the Masculine 

    • Exploration of the Light & Dark Feminine

    • The Volcanic Woman

    • Level up in Choreography & Transcendental Performance Art

    Throughout each week participants will be learning intention-based movement and choreography that will be performed within the main storyline of the show. Experience within choreography or formal dance training is a prerequisite for new students signing up for this container.


    Embodied Eldership is a doorway into the heart of Eclectica’s ethos through the participation in a thriving ecosystem that transcends individualism and explores the realms of service and leadership.

    At the core of this body of work is a returning home to the village through returning home to ourselves. It’s the pathway to eldership. Being able to zoom out of your life’s experiences like the eagle, and gain perspective on where in your life you’re not yet free.

    “Embodied Eldership” is for those that want to integrate the seasons of life from inner child, to teenager, to young adult - and start to embody their elder, their wise one.

    This body of work connects participants to the unseen realms of existence and helps them integrate their lineage and family systems. This advanced training is open to those who have completed previous training with Eclectica or those who have studied rites of passage / somatics and/or women’s work / mens work in other schools of thought and are also competent and experienced within learning choreography.


    • Embodied Leadership

    • Animal Medicine

    • Ancestral Family Tree Work and Activating Eldership

    • Deepening Bonds with the Sisterhood & the Brotherhood

    • Somatic Arts

    • Contact Movement and Cultivating Trust with Other Bodies

    • Being Held in the Safe Custodianship of the Village

    • Exploring Wounds with the Masculine / Feminine

    • Healing Fractures from Past Relationships

    • Visionary Dance and Intentional Choreography

    • Integrating your Inner Child, Teenager, and Elder.

    • Ritual Theatre and Performance Art

    • Unlocking your Full-Bodied Expression

      Throughout each week participants will be learning intention-based movement and choreography that will be performed within the main storyline of the show. Experience within choreography or formal dance training is a prerequisite for new students signing up for this container



    This work provides a detailed and inclusive framework that provides participants with the necessary tools and resources to excel in the areas of facilitation and ceremonialism. It delves into the various dimensions of facilitation through a diverse perspective and philosophy, empowering participants to unleash their individual strengths and styles in the realms of leadership.

    Participants of this body of work will attend weekly sessions that are anchored in advanced choreography, embodiment and ritual-based theatre practices. Additionally, the curriculum encompasses two intensive weekend immersions packed with enriching content to nurture their growth as integrated ceremonialists and embodied guides. These additional weekend trainings will feature guest facilitators and experts within the field of spirit work, integrity-based practices, safe facilitation and entrepreneurship.

    Modules/Practices Explored:

    • Advanced Choreography and Ritual Theatre Practices

    • Movement and Embodiment as a Healing Modality

    • Advanced Embodiment Training

    • Multidimensional Facilitation

    • Learning from Multiple Guest Facilitators to Deepen you into MultiDimensional Facilitation

    • Ceremonialist Training

    • The Art of Attunement

    • Safe Space Holding in Sacred Spaces

    • Trauma-Informed Facilitation

    • Deepening into Somatic Facilitation

    • Sacred Business Foundations and Empowered Creative Birthing

    • Soft Plant Dieta

    • Leading from Instinct

    The objective of this work is not necessarily to become an eclectic facilitator; rather, it is to empower participants within their own domain of creative birthing, entrepreneurship, ceremonial practice, and integrated facilitation. Students who excel in this training may be offered a place on the Eclectica facilitation team; however, this is not a core objective within participation.

The School term will finish with a mid-year concert where new and existing students will perform live dance transmissions that reflect the deep and transformative course content.

This will be an opportunity for you to be received in your most full-bodied expression and uninhibited aliveness by an electric crowd of supportive individuals who are there to support your expansion and fan your flame.

Students within the advanced trainings will be featured in the main show dancing alongsde the Eclectica core.